
Public health

Laos Records Over 28,300 Dengue Cases

(KPL) The number of dengue cases in Laos has surged to 28,371 with 60 deaths reported since the beginning of 2019, the Ministry of Health has reported.As for infection, the number is five times higher than that reported in the same period last year where ...

KPL News Desk

Minister highlights Laos’ healthcare achievements at Asean meeting

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Laos has been increasingly successful in protecting people’s right to healthcare with the majority of the population now having greater access to better quality health services.This was the message delivered by Minister of Health, Assoc. Prof. Dr Bounkong Syhavong, at the ...

Times Reporters

Savannakhet urged to upgrade healthcare for expectant mothers

Local officials have been encouraged to improve quality and increase access to maternal health services in target districts of Savannakhet province in line with national policy.This was the message from Minister of Health Associate Prof. Dr Bounkong Syhavong at a ceremony last week to hand ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

South Korea backs efforts to improve newborn and child health in Laos

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) of South Korea will provide about US$7.5 million to Laos from 2019 to 2023 to improve maternal, newborn and child health in three provinces.A funding agreement was signed in Vientiane on Tuesday by the Director ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

University officials stress need for more information on reproductive health

Health officials and local authorities need to provide more information about sexual and reproductive health services for young people in the hope of reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies.Unwanted pregnancies are one reason that women cannot get work outside the home and have limited prospects ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

Fred Hollows Foundation gives boost to health service in Laos

The Fred Hollows Foundation has provided more than 430 million kip (US$50,000) to the Ministry of Health to finance the expenses of ministry staff when they undertake assignments outside of Vientiane.Regional Director for East Asia of the Fred Hollows Foundation, Dr Phuc Huynh Tan, and ...

Siladda Souliyong

Medics advocate more support for breastfeeding mothers in Laos

Health authorities admit that many parents still don’t know that early initiation of breastfeeding (within the first hour) improves the health and longterm wellbeing of a baby, because colostrum, or first milk, is rich in nutrients and protects a baby against disease. Infants who are exclusively ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

Fred Hollows Foundation extends support for cataract surgery

The Fred Hollows Foundation is continuing to help people in 10 provinces who have vision problems, especially cataracts, to ensure they have improved vision and a better quality of life.A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to continue the Sustainable Comprehensive Eye Care project was signed in ...

Siladda Souliyong

Laos makes contingency plans for control and prevention of Ebola

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times) – Laos will work with neighbouring countries to share information about Ebola, particularly with regard to people travelling internationally who may have been exposed to the deadly virus.Laos shares borders with five countries but none of these countries have reported cases of ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

Fred Hollows Foundation extends support for vision impaired in Laos

The Fred Hollows Foundation will continue to support work to improve the vision of people in 10 provinces of Laos, aiming to give them a better quality of life.The Fred Hollows Foundation, government officials and authorities met in Vientiane last week to report on the ...

Times Reporters

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