
Phuan ethnic group revives long forgotten stupa festival

​Xieng Khuang province is awash with development and is creating new tourist attractions in particular, most of which have historical and cultural connections. The province’s Khoun district is the original home of the Phuan people and is famous for its prosperity in times gone by. But ...

Patithin Phetmeuangphuan

The World Bank Group Board adopts a new Country Partnership Framework to support Laos in efforts to stabilise its economy.

The World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors has discussed a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for 2023-2026 to support Laos in efforts to stabilise its economy, share the benefits of economic growth more equitably, and sustain development progress. The CPF, a programme of project finance ...

Times Reporters

Thai Railway Delegation Visits Laos for Transportation Discussions

The delegation was led by Athipu Chitranukroh, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Rail Transport (DRT), and Kitjaluck Srinuchsart, Deputy Director-General of the Thai Customs Department. Representatives of Thailand’s Railway Technology Development Institute also participated in the visit, according to a DRT news update. The two sides ...

Latsamy Phonevilay

Covid Insurance Now Mandatory for Foreign Workers in Laos

A new regulation issued by the Ministry of Public Security sees all foreign workers entering Laos required to purchase Covid-19 insurance.A notice issued by the Ministry of Public Security on 15 December 2022 outlines the regulations on health insurance for foreign labor, which have been ...

Phontham Visapra

Expressway Toll Prices Go Up With Changing LAK/USD Exchange Rate

The toll tax on Vientiane-Vangvieng expressway was hiked to keep up with the value of kip reducing against the US dollar.The Laos-China Expressway Development Cooperation Co., Ltd announced its new toll rates would apply from 1 January, on the 109.11 km expressway that connects Vientiane Capital with ...

Phontham Visapra

Laos Sees a Trade Deficit of USD 23 Million in December

According to the Lao Trade Portal, the country recorded a trade deficit of USD 23 million in December, which is considerably lower than the trade deficits of USD 45 million and USD 230 million reported in November and October, respectively.The overall value of trade hit USD ...

Phontham Visapra

South Korean Company Authorized to Build Multi-Billion Dollar Resort

Laos has signed an agreement with a South Korean company giving it a concession for the use of a 1,200-hectare plot of land to build a resort worth USD 2.9 billion.Acting Director General of the General Logistics Department, Police Brigadier General Mr. Thongsouk Yaeulaoly and ...

Phontham Visapra

Tiger Cubs Trafficked from Laos Confiscated in Thailand

After months of questioning the husband following initial suspicions, the police managed to arrest the couple red-handed and seized four baby tigers from them that were allegedly trafficked from Laos. The Thai police had been investigating the husband since September, and authorities eventually arrested him ...

Phontham Visapra

Over 1,000 Human Trafficking Victims Get Assistance from Bokeo Police

​During a meeting on Monday, the Deputy Director General of the Police Department at the Ministry of Public Security, Major General Kanchanh Phommachack provided an update on the issue.Mr. Kanchanh mentioned the processes in place for victims of human trafficking to receive assistance through police forces at ...

Phontham Visapra

Laos Likely to Benefit from Thailand’s Energy Shortage

Kurit Sombatsiri, the Permanent Secretary of the Energy Ministry, informed that the rising prices of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the weak baht could adversely affect energy costs next year. The Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) met with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Monday to discuss ...

Amrita Paul

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