Site updates

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic on SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on Sustainable Development Goal#3 -Good Health and Well-being, available in Lao and English. The topic explores the localization of SDG 3 into the national plan and implementation. Also progress and challenges faced in the implementation process ...

Open Development Laos updates the topic page ‘Ethnic minorities and indigenous people’

ODL has updated its page on #ethnicgroups, including information on the history of ethnic group classification, lifestyles, and ongoing challenges. Learn more about Laos’ many ethnic people here. ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic on SDG 1 No poverty

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on Sustainable Development Goal#1 -No poverty, which is available in Lao and English. The topic explores the localization of SDG 1 into the national plan and implementation. Also progress and challenges faced in the implementation process ...

Open Development Laos updates the topic page ‘Forest and forestry’

Open Development Laos updates the topic page ‘Forest and forestry’ in October 2018. ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic page on ‘Social development’

Social development addresses profound social problems, especially poverty, unemployment and social exclusion, and seeks to define poverty across a spectrum of social and structural barriers instead of simply by income levels. The page highlights the achievements and challenges on social development in Laos, in two ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic page on 'Labor'

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on ‘Labor’ in Lao and English. Laos is low in terms of human capital which reflects by the number and skills of local workers. Most workers in Lao PDR are in agricultural sector. Despite this, Laos ...

Open Development Laos publishes 2 new topic pages on 'SDG 15 Life on land' and 'Ethnic minorities and indigenous people'

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes tw0 new topic pages on ‘Sustainable Development Goal#15 -Life on land’ and ‘Ethnic minorities and indigenous people’, which are available in Lao and English. The former explores the localization of SDG 15 into national policies along with the implementation. Meanwhile, ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic on SDG 5 Gender equality

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on Sustainable Development Goal#5 -Gender equality, which is available in Lao and English. The topic explores the localization of SDG 5 into the national plan and implementation. Also progress and challenges faced in the implementation process ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic on Human Trafficking

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on Human Trafficking in Laos, in Lao and English. Lao PDR is a source, transit and destination country for trafficked women, children, and men. A wide range of actors are involved in human trafficking, so resolving the ...

Open Development Laos publishes a new topic on Census and Population

Open Development Laos (ODL) publishes a new topic page on Census and Population, whose key information is retrieved from the 4th population and housing census 2015 Lao PDR. The page is available in both Lao and English.Read the page here. ...

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