[Online conference]: PEOPLES DATA ON LAND, WHAT FOR?

Description: The International Land Coalition LAC in association with regional platforms will organize a presentation of the regional result of the land governance index (LANDEX). The event also invites us to reflect on the challenges of the use and positioning of complementary (non-official) data. This discussion ...
[Webinar Registration]: Building open & transparent land information systems through a global alliance

Topic: Building open & transparent land information systems through a global alliance. Description: The Land Portal, Global Data Barometer, and Open Data Charter are working together at the nexus of open data and land governance.Over the last three years the Land Portal Foundation has collaborated with Global ...
[Webinar] “Improving customary land tenure for smallholder farmers in Laos”

Village Focus International (VFI) with the support from GLTN/UN-Habitat is organizing a webinar session, topic: “Improving customary land tenure for smallholder farmers in Laos” to present the experiences and outcomes from the BMZ funded project – Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) project in ...
[Register now] A webinar: Women and Community Land Rights: Investing in Local Champions

The webinar will take you to the project model in investing in a diverse group of land rights champions, both women and men can be a game-changer both for women and for the wider community. The local land rights champions nurtured through the WOLTS project ...
[Register now] 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum (26-27 May 2021)

The 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum will bring together reform-minded actors within and beyond the region to engage in in-depth, interactive debate on issues that cut to the core of local tenure security and community resource management. The sessions will take place online, with in-person events ...
[CALL FOR APPLICATIONS] Summer School on Land Relations and Land Governance in the Mekong Region

The Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development and the Mekong Land Research Forum has run annual summer schools on land relations and land governance, involving participants from all six Mekong countries.The purpose of the summer school is to equip participants with a research ...
Call for public input to improve Land Law

Department of Law, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is currently revising the new Land Law. Any interested entities who would like to contribute to the reviewing process, please follow this link ...