Economy and commerce

Small and medium enterprises (SME)

Lao Government Bonds Soon to be Available on Lao Stock Market

The Lao Government is in the process of preparing documents, measures and regulatory and legal frameworks necessary to register government bonds on the Lao stock market (Lao Securities Exchange – LSX).More ...

The Laotian Times

US Government Promotes Silk Entrepreneurship in Lao PDR

(KPL) The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, provided training on natural dyeing and digital marketing for women-owned businesses from May 28-Jun 15, 2018 in Xieng Khuang and Huaphan provinces.More ...

KPL editor

China-SE Asia Expo kicks off to promote regional trade, investment 

The fifth China-South Asia Expo kicked off on Thursday in southwest China’s Yunnan province to promote trade and investment between China and countries in South and Southeast Asia. Deputy Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone led a Lao delegation comprising officials and businesses to the event, the ...

Vientiane Times

Laos prepares to export 12,000 tonnes of bananas to Russia 

Soukhoungheuang company plans to sell 12,000 tonnnes of bananas harvested from its farmland concession in Savannakhet province to Russia. The Vietnamese company plans to invest US$38 million in growing fruit trees on about 5,500 hectares in Nong district, Savannakhet province, and has cleared 1,900 hectares ...

Vientiane Times

Investment in Lao stock market surges

The value of stocks traded on the Lao Securities Exchange saw rapid growth last year, according to a report from the Bank of the Lao PDR. The central bank released its annual report recently, providing an overview of the economic development of Laos last year ...

Ekaphone Phouthonesy

More measures needed to check farm imports

The business sector and agricultural promoters have urged Lao authorities to increase measures to check the import of farm products through border crossings. Scattered imports through this channel are considered an obstacle to attracting investment and growth of the sector in the country. Vice President of ...

Vientiane Times

Borikhamxay makes strides in dealing with illegally imported vehicles

Over 600 vehicles that were illegally imported into Borikhamxay province have now been legalised, despite some challenges in the process, according to a committee in charge of the matter. A senior official on the committee, Mr Khamvaen Panyanouvong, told Vientiane Times on Friday that only 100 ...

Vientiane Times

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