Vientiane Times/ANN

Border bottlenecks hinder Lao imports: Study

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) Limited procedural knowledge amongst both government authorities and traders at border areas is being blamed as the cause of trade bottlenecks at borders between Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.However, while problems in some areas are well known, a study conducted by the Department ...

News Desk

World Vision, partners give boost to nutrition improvement in Laos

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – World Vision International to Laos (WVI) and their partnership will provide over EUR 11 million in assistance to Laos from 2019 to 2021 to improve nutrition in three southern provinces. A funding agreement was signed in Vientiane yesterday between WVI Country Programme ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

Plain of Jars to become Laos’ third World Heritage Site

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Plain of Jars in Xieng Khuang province is set to become an even bigger tourist attraction if the site is named a UNESCO World Heritage Site as expected when the UN body meets in Azerbaijan from June 30 to July ...

Khonesavanh Latsaphao

Studies begin on biodiesel plants in Xaythany district

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The government has given approval for two local companies to conduct a feasibility study on the establishment of a processing plant to produce biodiesel from Vernicia montana seeds and vegetable oil, and a diesel and fuel refinery in Xaythany district, Vientiane.A ...

Phetsamone Chandala

Laos lowers target for trade value with South Korea

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Laos has reduced its trade value target including for both imports and exports with South Korea this year compared to the figure for last year after a drop in the annual trade value by both countries.Last year, the trade target for ...

News Desk

Laos Ministry calls on tourism sector to help tackle human trafficking

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Government authorities and representatives of privately-owned tourism operations in Borikhamxay province are attending a seminar to strengthen cooperation and participation in the prevention of human trafficking, taking place in the province from May 13-14.The seminar is intended to raise awareness of ...

News Desk

Laos, South Korea strengthen ties in community development

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Laos is continuing its cooperation with South Korea in the expansion of the Saemaul Undong development project in five provinces.Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr Lien Thikeo, recently told Korean media that the Saemaul Undong project will expand its operations in ...

News Desk

Germany, Australia help open doors to finance for low-income groups in Laos

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Germany and Australia have provided US$4.5 million to develop locally-run systems that enable impoverished people to more easily access finance.Representatives from the Lao government, Germany and Australia met on May 9 to launch Phase V of the US$4.5 million Access to ...

News Desk

Phu Bia Mining reports an excellent start to 2019

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Phu Bia Mining is very pleased to report strong results across all key business metrics during its March quarter 2019.The Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation produced 19,820 tonnes (t) of copper in concentrate at a C1 cost of US$1.14/lb after precious metal ...

News Desk

Brewery agrees to end advertising after ministry’s ban

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Lao Brewery Company will comply with a notice issued by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism banning the advertising of alcoholic beverages and activities that promote the consumption of alcoholic drinks.But the company had a different perspective concerning the ...

News Desk

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