
Cassava Farmers Encroach Upon Dong Hua Sao National Park

According to images released on social media by a local resident, hundreds of trees in the Dong Hua Sao National Bio-Diversity Conservation Area have been cut down in preparation for cassava plantations. The Dong Hua Sao National Protected Area is located about 30 kilometers east of Pakse ...

Manyphone Vongphachanh

Fifth Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge over 30 percent complete

Construction of the fifth Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge linking Borikhamxay province to Bueng Kan province in Thailand across the Mekong River is now 32 percent complete. The project consists of two components: the first concerns the construction of the bridge across the Mekong River and the ...

Times Reporters

Revamp of EDL seen as part of economic revival

The government has formed a committee to overhaul the operations of Electricite du Laos (EDL) as part of its efforts to strengthen business operations across all state enterprises.The committee will suggest measures that will enable EDL to earn more revenue and pay off the debts ...

Somsack Pongkhao

Establishing standard procedures to ensure there’s no “wrong door” for violence survivors to seek help

Historically, a fragmented approach has been in place in responding to violence against women, ad hoc measures and limited understanding by officials due to the absence of clear national guidelines. Establishing SOPs is critical to strengthen systems and create a clear framework for sectors to ...


Irrigation scheme begins providing water to improve crop yields in Phongsaly

An irrigation scheme funded by Phase 2 of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Project has begun supplying water to boost crop yields for farming communities in Phongsaly province. The ceremony, which took place at the reservoir of the Level 6 Hydropower Station on the Ou River, marked ...

Advertorial Desk

Sound Public Financial Management Key to Economic Recovery in Lao PDR

The economy of the Lao PDR is forecast to grow 3.4% this year and 3.7% next year thanks to the country’s investments to boost exports, according to the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022 released by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Apr 6.Rising oil prices ...


MRC Mekong Monitoring Stations Will Better Protect Downriver Denizens

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) on Friday unveiled the first water-level monitoring station to be positioned atop the Lower Mekong River Basin. The station is part of a broader MRC plan to reduce vulnerability for millions of Southeast Asians whose lives and livelihoods downstream are ...

Manyphone Vongphachanh

Plastic Waste Causing Serious Environmental, Health and Economic Impacts in Laos

Almost a quarter of the waste found in Lao cities is plastic. Plastic waste is now found everywhere in the Lao environment, affecting fish catches, blocking drains, causing air pollution, and harming tourism destinations. The plan considers a “circular economy” approach to help achieve the ...

Latsamy Phonevilay

Rebuilt dam near site of devastating collapse releases water, scaring residents

The company responsible for Laos’ worst ever dam collapse more than three years ago announced last week that its rebuilt dam would begin releasing water, scaring downstream residents, including survivors of the disaster. Keep reading ...

Eugene Whong

Thailand sends fruit to China using Lao railway

The Laos-China railway has been used for the first time to carry Thai fruit to China, according to a report in Thailand’s The Nation on Monday.Two containers carrying 40 tonnes of durian and one container filled with 20 tonnes of coconuts from Rayong made their ...

Somsack Pongkhao

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