Lao govt releases stockpiled rice to lower market price

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The government has approved the sale of 2,000 tonnes of stockpiled rice to bring down the high market price after a shortage of supply meant the price of rice rose by over 20 percent above normal.
The move is aimed at cutting costs for consumers and easing the hardship of people on low and medium level incomes.
The Vientiane Industry and Commerce Department has directed the Khamphaengphet Chaengsavang Agriculture Promotion Co., Ltd. to sell the 2,000 tonnes of rice after the government and the company signed a contract to that effect.
Polished Grade B sticky rice is on sale at five locations in Vientiane for 6,500 kip per kg, from September 23-30. This price is 2,000 kip per kg less than the current market price.
Times Reporters