Environment and natural resources

Mekong Countries Urged to Take Action as River Experiences Three Years of Low Flows

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat has renewed its call for the six Mekong countries to urgently address regional low flows, water fluctuations and drought as the Lower Mekong River experiences record low flows for the third consecutive year. Keep reading  ...

Latsamy Phonevilay

Mapping present, future of Lao agriculture, land use insights LRIMS with FAO, GEF

Lao Agriculture looks to future as Land Resources Information Management System (LRIMS) currently permits public access to detailed future scenarios amid climate change for free with help from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).Access to climate ...


New Reports Highlight Impacts of Human and Environmental Incursions in Mekong

The two reports entitled “Status and Trends of Fish Abundance and Diversity in the Lower Mekong Basin during 2007–2018” (FADM) and “Social Impact Monitoring and Vulnerability Assessment 2018” (SIMVA) found that households continue to rely on water resources that are increasingly under pressures. Both reports ...

Laotian Times

New Indicative Ending Date Set for Sanakham Dam Consultation

An MRC governance meeting has agreed to a new indicative date to conclude the prior consultation process of the 684-megawatt Sanakham dam.The Joint Committee also agreed to a revised road map to carry out the prior consultation process, following a special session of the Joint ...

Latsamy Phonevilay

Harnessing Technology to Manage Flood, Drought Risks in Lower Mekong Basin

Earlier this year the MRC and Korea Development Institute (KDI) launched a joint research project under the 2020-2021 Knowledge Sharing Programme (KSP). The project aims to demonstrate how high-tech solutions can support Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam minimize the impact of flood and ...

Laotian Times

The mayor issued a ban on invasion at the national park

The mayor of the capital issued Order No. 031 / dated 18 August 2021 on the protection of the Phu Phanang Phu – Khao Khwai National Protected Area to prevent forest encroachment, eliminate every construction in the protected area, prohibit trade in logging equipment, block ...


Landscapes and Livelihoods Project launch in Vientiane

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the World Bank launched a US$57 million Lao Landscapes and Livelihoods Project in Vientiane on Thursday, August 5. The project that will generate jobs and income in rural areas by promoting investment in environmentally sustainable and socially-responsible forest ...

Advertorial Desk

Fighting Poverty by Protecting Landscapes

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the World Bank have launched a US$57 million Lao Landscapes and Livelihoods Project that will generate jobs and incomes in rural areas by promoting investment in environmentally sustainable and socially-responsible forest and landscape management, and in the preservation ...


Laos to build large hybrid floating solar project

The Lao government and shareholders in Nam Theun 2 hydropower plant have agreed to develop Nam Theun 2-Solar, which is claimed to be the world’s largest hybrid floating solar project.With an installed capacity of 240 megawatt peak (MWp), the solar project will be built on ...

River border patrols beefed up in Champassak, Savannakhet

Border patrols on the Mekong River are being stepped up in Champassak and Savannakhet provinces to prevent people entering Laos illegally from Thailand, after these provinces recorded a spike in Covid-19 infections. Laos has seen a spike in imported cases of Covid-19 since the start of ...

Times Reporters

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